
Showing posts from March, 2019

NEA PART 4 - My audience

Task 2  -  Answer the following questions about audience profiling: Name 5 ways in which audiences can be categorised. They can be categorised in: Social class, Gender,  Age, Religion and Race / Nationality. Why do you think it's important for media producers to categorise audiences? Because some audiences could get offended by certain media products. Some can be easily influenced by media or some audiences are to young to see certain media forms. Task 5  - Review your results and copy and paste any graphs or charts given by survey monkey. Task 6  - DEFINE YOUR AUDIENCE From these graphs i can tell that my audience for my magazine are into RPG adventure games. This means that they are quite niche audience.


Tuesday, 19 March 2019 TASK 2 - Write a short introduction of what you intend to achieve with this post: In this post i will be looking at and researching how different media theories can be applied to magazines and other forms of media, and how they can effect a piece of media. From this i will be able to decide which media theories i could apply to my own work. TASK 3 - Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen. This magazine links to the Angela McRobbie theory that states women in media should be represented as strong, independent, determined and smart. Lara croft is presented as having all of these values throughout lots of forms of media from games to movies to magazines. Where she is always the lead main character or joint main character. This magazine links to the Richard Dyer theory that states stereotypes legitimise inequality and marginalise certain individual or certain social groups. In media we see a lot ...


TASK 2 - WRITE A SHORT INTRODUCTION EXPLAINING WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO IN THIS TASK. I will look at intertextuality (when one form of media is mentioned in another one) in different media forms e.g. cartoons, TV shows, and magazines. TASK 3   –  Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.     The vogue magazine is recreating a front cover from and army recruitment poster/magazine. People who like the recruitment propaganda may also be influenced by the magazine because they could relate to some things in it This magazine shows faces of political figures that some people may be interested in. Politics is especially important now with Brexit, people might be more inclined to read the magazine because of it's current social context. It also seems like a comedy magazine which also has a wide audience. To conclude from these magazines i can tell that using famous people as intertextuality is good for d...
NEA Part 1 - Media Language and Representations Analysis Post 1  –    How is  media language   used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing  representations   and following   genre  conventions ? Instructions: If you chose to do Brief 1: Choose TWO front covers and TWO double spread articles from educational magazines. The main characters on this front cover are two dolphins, there are also other animals in it. The dolphins are represented positively because the back ground is bright and they are smiling. All around of the dolphins thee are pieces of texts to do with animal friendships so this makes them seem like our friends. The background and foreground are both really colourful which show us that the brand is positive. they are using a mid-shot so that we can see the dolphins swimming. The colour blue connotes wisdom and trust. Wisdom is usually associated with dolphins and most animals are trustw...

NEA brief

NEA Part 1 - Media Language and Representations Analysis Post 1  –    How is  media language   used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing  representations   and following   genre  conventions ? Instructions: If you chose to do Brief 1: Choose TWO front covers and TWO double spread articles from educational magazines. The main characters on this front cover are two dolphins, there are also other animals in it. The dolphins are represented positively because the back ground is bright and they are smiling. All around of the dolphins thee are pieces of texts to do with animal friendships so this makes them seem like our friends. The background and foreground are both really colourful which show us that the brand is positive. they are using a mid-shot so that we can see the dolphins swimming. The colour blue connotes wisdom and trust. Wisdom is usually associated with dolphins and most animals are trustw...