NEA Part 5 - Moodboard
TASK 2 - Revisit and review your chosen brief... What brief did you choose? Brief 1 which is about an educational magazine. What are the minimum requirements for your chosen production? At least one main image and five more, at least three cover lines one of which must link to the double page spread. What is the target audience as prescribed in the brief? 10 - 13 year olds. What is your target audience for the product you're creating? (this needs to link to the audience profiling post). 10 - 13 year olds. In this task i will use different types of images and colours in my magazine about card games. I will use colours that connote to different things that will link to my main theme which will be the Pokemon TCG. A mood board will also help me express my ideas in a more creative way that will be more interesting for my target audience which will be 10 - 13 year olds. TASK 4 - Create a series of mood boards that give an...